A Global Solution
VUpt is installed in many locations around the world, including Australia, India, Canada, Alaska, USA, South America & many European countries
Who's using it?
Customers who have incorporated VUpt into their operations include:
- Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA)
- Sistelec Tradia Telecom Sau Junta
- Williams Communications - Franklin County
- Electricity North West
- County of Buncombe
- Monmouth County
- Eversource
- TRW Andhra Pradesh (AP) Police
- Tri-Met
- TRW Madhya Pradesh (MP) Police
- TBL Petrobras
- Rappahannock
- Wisconsin Electric
- Brisbane City Council
- Portland Gas & Electric
- Transport for London
- Louisville Gas & Electric
- Umatilla County
- Lancaster County
- City of Lethbridge
- Chugach Electric
- Town of Ludlow
- Group CLR/Reseau de Transport de Longueuil
- Sysco-Axians
- Sistelec (ENEL)
- UAB Lielupe
- Rio Tinto
- EnergyQ (Queensland)
- Montana-Dakota Utilities
- Teton Communications (USA)
Where are they located?